How Freelancers Can Use Social Proof to Win More Clients?

Goutham Jay
Goutham Jay

Founder - Famewall

Aug 23, 2023
How Freelancers Can Use Social Proof to Win More Clients?
How Freelancers Can Use Social Proof to Win More Clients?

As a freelancer, you would already know the importance of having systems in place to get inbound clients

While referrals would work to your advantage, you will also need "social proof" which would convince those clients who are still on the fence, unsure about your service

In fact, according to a study by BrightLocal, 98% of consumers read online reviews about local businesses, and 76% do this regularly

What is Social Proof?

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where individuals seek validation from others before making a decision & are heavily influenced by their opinion.

Humans generally tend to rely on social proof to validate their choices, seeking reassurance from the actions and opinions of others. We've been this way since time immemorial.

Remember when you started clapping in a theatre as soon as you heard others clapping? For this particular action, you look for external validation & that influences your own action

As you can see, in that way social proof is also important for freelancers to win more clients.

When potential clients visit a freelancer's website or social media profiles, they are likely to be in search of validation and evidence that the freelancer can deliver the desired results.

And that's 1 reason why social proof can be a powerful tool for freelancers to showcase their expertise, and reliability to potential clients since freelancing would involve the exchange of time & money

Why Freelancers Should Use Social Proof?

As we saw in the previous section, in today's competitive freelance marketplace, standing out from the crowd and winning clients can be a daunting task.

Social proof is an ally that can help you as a freelancer to increase your chances of attracting more clients by showing why your past clients preferred your service. 

One of the main reasons why freelancers should use social proof is its ability to influence client decisions.

When potential clients come across a freelancer's website, they are actively looking for evidence that the freelancer can deliver the desired results according to their expectations.

Positive testimonials from satisfied clients act as social validation, assuring future clients that the freelancer is reliable & trustworthy. And make no mistake, social proof can greatly influence the client's decision to hire a freelancer even at the last minute.

When a freelancer has a lot of social proof, clients would generally be more open to engaging with them easily.

The more positive experiences shared by real people, the higher the chances of attracting new clients.

How Do You Build Social Proof?

1. Understand Your Target Audience

This goes without saying. Understanding your target audience is the first step that you need to convince customers regardless of building social proof. So this comes off as a necessity

Only after understanding your target audience, you'll be able to get a clear view of what points need to be emphasized in the testimonials and social proof so that they would be convinced to convert

And accordingly, you'll need to get testimonials from your existing clients in such a way.

2. Collect Customer Testimonials

Request testimonials from your most satisfied clients and use a testimonial collection page from Famewall to make it easy for your clients to submit a text/video testimonial with a few clicks

Famewall's Testimonial Collection Page

Here's a detailed guide on how you can collect testimonials from scratch

Testimonials are a great form of social proof since they contain positive words directly from your existing clients.

Display these reviews prominently on your website and social media using creative videos to create a sense of trust and credibility.

In fact, you can use them heavily in your marketing campaigns for more social proof. Here's how you can use testimonials to 10x your marketing efforts

3. Highlight Details in Testimonials

When displaying the testimonials on your website, make sure to include the client's name, photo, and designation to add authenticity. It's also a good idea to link back to the client's website or social media so that a potential client can verify it themselves

And then highlight the important text which you'd like your clients to see at first glance

Points highlighted in a testimonial

You can make use of these 10 testimonial templates that contain enough information for a client

4. Showcase Success Stories:

Share success stories of clients you have worked with in the past.

Create case studies that highlight the challenges clients faced before working with you, the solutions you provided, and the positive outcomes they achieved.

In fact, you can use the questions you asked for testimonials but in a more comprehensive way so that your clients answer them in 3-4 sentences

Here's an example case study from 1 of our own customers

To ask the right questions, you can elaborate on a specific question from the 30 testimonial questions here

5. Tapping into User-Generated Content:

Encourage your clients to share their experiences with your services on their own social media platforms.

User-generated content, such as positive social media posts or video testimonials, can significantly influence potential customers' buying decisions.

Consider offering incentives to encourage clients to share their experiences and tag you or your business on social media.

Video testimonials perform the best in that regard since other clients will get to see and hear from clients rather than just read text

We've discussed in this guide about how you can collect the best video testimonials from clients

6. Display Trust Badges and Certifications

If you have received any certifications or awards related to your field, prominently display them on your website.

Trust badges & logos of reputable associations can bring in a lot of confidence in potential clients and make them curious about your services.

Here's how freelance writer Lizzie Davey displays social proof on her landing page with company logos

Lizze Davey's landing page with company logos as social proof

7. Maintain a Strong Online Presence

Regularly update your website and social media channels with fresh content, demonstrating your expertise and engaging your audience.

Sharing valuable insights, tips, and industry news positions you as a knowledgeable professional.

Feel free to also share unique experiences with your existing clients which were helpful for them. This would attract new clients who would want the same results for themselves

Make it a point to actively engage to people by responding to comments and messages which shows your commitment to delivering service in the future should they convert.

In fact, here's Jake Ward who is running a successful SEO consulting company with a strong social presence on Linkedin. He attracted the attention of big creators like Justin Welsh with just his content & the engagement on his posts which acted as social proof

Jake Ward on Linkedin having a strong social presence on Linkedin

8. Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with influencers in your industry can generate a lot of attention for your brand and make your clients curious.

Seek out influencers who align with your values and target audience. In fact, it gets even better if you collaborate on a guest post, co-host a webinar, or invite them for an interview.

Association with influencers can benefit both the influencers and yourself if the promotion is valuable to both of your audiences on the social media involved

Tips for Social Proof with Reviews & Testimonials

Here are some tips to keep in mind to get the best testimonials as social proof from your clients as a freelancer

1. Always Try to Deliver the Best Service:

The foundation of garnering positive reviews and testimonials lies in providing exceptional service to your clients.

Because when you go above and beyond to exceed their expectations, clients would naturally want to return the favor by giving you a testimonial.

By consistently delivering high-quality results and excellent customer service, you create the foundation for receiving rave reviews.

2. Ask for Feedback

Actively seek feedback from your clients at the end of your project.

Ask them about their experience working with you and if there are any areas for improvement.

This shows them that you care about their results & would also spread the word amongst their colleagues which will bring you more inbound leads while also opening the door to them submitting a positive testimonial

3. Promptly Respond to Feedback

When clients provide feedback, whether positive or negative, it's highly important that you respond promptly and professionally leaving your emotions aside

Even if they give you negative feedback, see how you could improve it right before they complete your service or assure them why it won't happen again in the future

After all, mistakes do happen in business but you have to make it a point to acknowledge it

So effectively address any concerns or issues raised by clients and work towards finding a resolution.

This would bring client satisfaction and sometimes it also leaves a positive impression that can be reflected in their testimonials & recommendation to others.

4. Make It Easy for Clients to Leave Reviews

Provide clear instructions and multiple platforms where clients can leave reviews. You can use the testimonial collection form from Famewall so that it becomes easy for your client to send a text/video testimonial

Another approach is asking for a testimonial via email. You can use any of these 17 email templates to get a good testimonial via email

Consider sending a follow-up email a few weeks after completing a project with a request for a review and direct links to the testimonial form.

5. Offer Incentives

To encourage clients to leave reviews, consider offering incentives such as discounts on future services, referral bonuses, or exclusive content (such as a PDF guide/swipe file).

While it's important to ensure that these incentives don't compromise the authenticity of the reviews, sometimes they can provide an extra push for clients to take the time and effort to leave a testimonial.

6. Showcase Testimonials on Your Website

Once you receive positive testimonials, boldly showcase them on your website.

You can use any of the available testimonial widgets from Famewall to display the testimonials on your landing page, pricing pages, etc.

You can also have a dedicated testimonials section where potential clients can read about the real experiences from satisfied customers using a Wall of Fame page created using Famewall

In fact, you can set it up on your own custom domain and share this page with future clients on PDFs, emails, and social media

Always make it a point to include the client's name, photo (with their permission), and relevant details about the project or service provided.

7. Use Testimonials in Your Marketing Materials:

Incorporate testimonials into your email campaigns, social media posts, and other marketing materials.

The thing about testimonials is that it captures the reader's attention as they see another person's opinion. And attention is the ultimate currency when it comes to marketing

You can make use of testimonials in advertising to see the best conversions and minimize cost-per-click. Here are 20 testimonial advertising examples in that regard

Measuring Results of Your Social Proof Strategy

Thus far, there's no doubt that implementing a social proof strategy is a smart move for freelancers looking to win over more clients.

But how can you know if your efforts are actually working?

The answer lies in measuring and analyzing the results of your social proof strategy.

- Track your conversion rates

Look at how many potential clients visit your website or landing page and then take the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. By comparing the number of conversions before and after implementing your social proof strategy, you can determine if it's having an impact on your freelance business.

Another key metric to monitor is your online reviews and testimonials.

Keep track of the number of positive reviews and customer testimonials you receive after incorporating social proof into your marketing efforts.

If there's an increase in willingness from clients to give you a testimonial, it's a good sign that your strategy is working

- Monitoring engagement on social media platforms

Look at the engagement metrics on your social media posts, such as likes, comments, and shares. If you notice an increase in social engagement, it's a good indication that your social proof strategy is resonating with your target audience and capturing their attention.

In addition, pay attention to the number of social shares your content receives.

When people share your posts or recommend your services to their own networks, it builds a lot of social proof. Keep an eye on the reach and potential reach of these shares to gauge the impact of your social proof strategy.

- Tracking the growth of your client base

As your social proof increases, more potential clients will be drawn to your business, resulting in a larger customer base.

Keep track of the number of new clients you gain by asking them when they are onboarded by your service how they found you & what convinced them

Then compare it to previous periods to see the growth and effectiveness of your strategy.

- Evaluate the success of any email campaigns or guest blog posts

Look at open rates, click-through rates, and response rates with emails having social proof like testimonials to see if your efforts are resonating with your audience and driving them to take action

Try Famewall for FREE and start collecting testimonials from your clients to build social proof and get more clients with social proof

Famewall - Collect testimonials for FREE