How to collect course reviews from students?

Goutham Jay
Goutham Jay

Founder - Famewall

Jul 19, 2023
How to collect course reviews from students?
How to collect course reviews from students?

Students are bombarded with online courses all the time. To truly stand out, you need to showcase social proof which would display your course reviews by students on your website

People buy from people. The same applies to courses that educate students as well

The more social proof you have on your website which displays success stories & how students benefitted from your course, the easier it is to convince new customers & boost your course sales

Steps to collect course reviews by students

While breaking the ice with your students might seem a difficult task, it gets much easier when you have an automation place. Let's see how we can set that up

#1. Setup a testimonial collection page

You can use Famewall to set up a testimonial collection page on which you can customize the prompts you'd like to ask your students & make it easy for them to provide a testimonial

Here's what a sample testimonial collection page would look like -> Famewall's Collection Page

Make sure that you ask the right questions to get high-converting testimonials

Testimonial Collection Page to collect course reviews from students

Testimonial Collection Page to collect course reviews by students

#2. Send the collection page link to your students via email

The easiest way would be to just ask! You might be having a set of students who have already purchased your course so just contacting them would be the first step in such cases

Politely asking your students for a testimonial via email will work wonders!

Here's an email template used by one of our customers who has a project-building course & they use this template to ask for testimonials from their students

Hey {{name}},

First, I want to thank you again for buying {{course_name}}.

This course was created for data professionals like you who want to take their career to the next level with their portfolio without spending hours of searching.

I love hearing success stories from folks like you who use  {{course_name}} to help build amazing projects.
As much as I love talking about my students' successes, it means so much more when it comes straight from you, as someone who is currently building projects. This is where YOUR SUCCESS STORY can give other data practitioners hope!

Would you be willing to inspire others who are facing similar challenges that you did a short time ago?

Writing a short testimonial (Place 1 - insert famewall collection page link) about {{course_name}} would let other hopeful Project Builders know how it gave you the tools and confidence to build awesome projects.

I'd really appreciate that. And I KNOW others would enjoy knowing how you did it too.
If you could write a testimonial (Place 2- insert famewall collection page link) in the next 5 days, that would be awesome.
I'm truly grateful that you placed your trust in me. I don't take that for granted.
Thank you!

This is an email by Famewall's Course Creator Customer

Famewall removes a lot of friction from this process as you don't need to go through the trouble of maintaining testimonials and going back & forth. All you have to do is simply attach the collection page link

And you can start accepting the course reviews by students directly onto your dashboard

There are several more testimonial email templates you can use to get the best social proof

#3. Embed the testimonial collection page form in your online course to collect reviews directly

You can directly embed the testimonial collection page in your course by copying the HTML code upon clicking "Get Embed" button on Famewall Dashboard after clicking on "Collection Page tab"


This will make the collection form appear on your website and reduce a lot of hassle for your students to submit testimonials

#4. Add testimonials from social media

The most powerful thing about social media is that people in the testimonials are verifiable & it boosts your social proof when you add posts from social media as testimonials.

Famewall has got you covered in that aspect as well where you can add testimonials from multiple platforms all in a single place & manage them easily

If your students have already published a lot of testimonials, you can add them in just a single click

Easily add testimonials from a variety of social media

#5. One-click addition of testimonials from curated mentions

If your students are active on Twitter, you are in for a treat!

Famewall has a bonus feature with support for adding testimonials from a curated list of Twitter mentions.

All you have to do is just authorize your Twitter for read-only permissions & then Famewall presents you with the list of mentions about your course/your personal account

You can easily add these tweets to your testimonial wall in a single click

Curated Mentions Page

Here are 2 helpful resources to help you collect high-quality testimonials from students:

  1. Complete guide to collecting testimonials from customers
  2. Getting the best video testimonials to increase your sales

Famewall is an all-in-one testimonial management tool with which you can easily collect reviews by your students for your courses and easily add them to your website/course page with no code in just 2 minutes!

It's completely free to signup and start building your social proof - Create your wall of fame for free