Collect Testimonials On Your Own Custom Domain

Goutham Jay
Goutham Jay

Founder - Famewall

Jul 17, 2023
Collect testimonials on your own custom domain
Collect testimonials on your own custom domain

With Famewall, you can easily collect testimonials from your customers with a simple link

Custom domains give you more control while also enabling a seamless experience for your users. This makes it easy for customers to quickly submit testimonials

TLDR; Simply head over to Famewall's testimonial dashboard & enable the custom domain option

All you have to do is just customize the testimonial collection page with the fields you'd like to request from your customers

Collection Page fields

Once you've customized the fields, click on the Custom Domain option

Custom Domain Option

Then enter the custom domain under which you'd like to show the collection page

Custom Domain Input

And then finally you'll be presented with a DNS record which you need to add to your website

DNS Configuration

Here are the links to how you can set up CNAME records on some of the popular hosting providers

1. GoDaddy

2. Namecheap

3. Google Domains

4. Cloudflare

If your hosting provider is not listed above, you can find how to set a CNAME on their help center. It just takes 2 minutes :)

And once you've set it on your hosting provider, wait for 10-20 minutes for the DNS changes to propagate

Then click on Verify DNS records

Verify DNS Record

Now once the records are successfully set, you should be able to see the status as "Connected" and click on the custom domain to see the live changes

Custom Domain Connected Message

Congratulations, you've now successfully set up a custom domain for your business with testimonials!

You can similarly set a custom domain to display all your testimonials on a Wall of Fame page by heading over to your wall -> "Wall of Fame Page" tab -> Domain Configuration -> Configure Domain


Error Debugging & Troubleshooting

In case your domain records cannot be verified, use the DNSChecker tool to verify if your DNS changes have been propagated

A successful result should show that the DNS changes have propagated all over the world

DNS Checker Propagation

Famewall makes it super easy to collect testimonials from your customers & display them in multiple ways to increase revenue for your business

It's totally free to start. No credit card required!