Add testimonials to Bubble using Famewall

Goutham Jay
Goutham Jay

Founder - Famewall

Jan 16, 2023

Bubble is a no-code tool that makes it extremely easy to build landing pages & full-fledged apps

You can use Famewall to collect testimonials and embed them on your landing page without writing a single line of code.

Here's how to integrate Famewall with Bubble

1. Add HTML element in Bubble page

Head over to the section on your website where you'd like to have your testimonial widget from Famewall displayed

Select "HTML" from the Visual Elements tab and draw the canvas on the page

Bubble Page

2. Copy the embed code from Famewall

Head over to Famewall Dashboard and select the wall for which you'd like to embed testimonials for

Click on "Publish Widget" once you customize the testimonial widget and save changes

Publish Widget Button

Then click on "Get Embed Code" button


Copy the embed code from there

Copy Embed Code

3. Now paste the code in Bubble

Paste the embed code in the HTML popup in Bubble from the previous steps and save the changes

Save changes in Bubble

Save the changes, and preview your page from Bubble. And Voila you've got some amazing social proof on your website

Try Famewall for free and collect testimonials from customers to display social proof on your website without writing any code.

Famewall - Collect testimonials for FREE