The Testimonial Collection Tool for your business

Famewall makes it extremely easy to collect testimonials from your customers with a simple link and effortlessly add them to your website in minutes

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Collect testimonials with ease

Dedicated Collection Page to Collect Testimonials

Automate collecting testimonials from customers with Famewall's Collection page.

Personalize the collection page & share a simple link with customers

You no longer have to worry about going back & forth with customers to ask for testimonials

View Sample Collection Page
Testimonial Collection Page

Video testimonials Made Simple to Collect

Collect video testimonials by just sharing a link on email, chat, social media or website

Customers can record a video or write text testimonial in a few clicks & submit them instantly to your dashboard

Add them to your website in minutes. Famewall takes care of hosting & streaming it fast!

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Video Recorder

Personalize the Collection Page with Custom Video & Fields

Fully customize the testimonial collection page without any limits

Make your customers feel personal & increase the chances of getting a testimonial by personalizing the fields

Offer incentives at the end once they submit a testimonial

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Personalize Collection Page

Share Collected Testimonials Everywhere

Share collected testimonials to boost your marketing efforts

Use them in your email marketing campaigns, social media posts to show social proof to your customers

View Sample Testimonial
Single Testimonial Sharing

Single place to collect & share your social proof with ease

Collect testimonials from customers, organize them into categories, customize their appearance & show it on your website in a few clicks

Supports 30+ platforms you love


Ready to collect testimonials & increase your sales?