Senja Alternative - Famewall

Goutham Jay
Goutham Jay

Founder - Famewall

Sep 5, 2024

Senja is a good tool to collect testimonials from your customers. But users mainly look for a Senja alternative due to the 6 reasons:

1. Manage multiple projects

2. Brand Pages to convert customers

3. Simplicity & ease of use

4. Curated Mentions Page

5. Reorganizing & group testimonials across projects

6. Highlight testimonials

7. Affordable & Friendlier Pricing

Famewall is hyper-focused on being the all-in-one social proof tool for entrepreneurs & creators. You can find the detailed comparison here

Manage multiple projects for testimonials

Senja uses projects to group testimonials of your business & each of them operates in isolation.

With Famewall, you can create anywhere from 4-10 walls for different projects based on different pricing plans which can all be managed in a single place. But on the other hand, Senja currently allows managing up to 5 projects.

Customize testimonials on each wall & display them independently on your website using embed code or use them to create a wall of love

This is a stark difference as Senja testimonials are better geared toward a single project

Multiple projects in a single place

Brand Pages to convert customers

Famewall has Brand Pages where you can list all your portfolio of products & services in a single page together with social media handles.

The best part is that you can add social proof beside your work which convinces customers easily, way before they even visit your website

This is a feature unique to Famewall as the vision of Famewall is to make it easy to collect social proof from customers and put it to work by converting leads and increasing sales

Famewall Brand Pages

Simplicity & Ease of use

While Senja has a lot of features to customize and set up testimonials which make it great, Famewall has got a simple dashboard to import testimonials & add the widget to your website in just a few minutes.

There are a special set of widgets on Famewall that have been performing well for brands and have been curated for you to select. They also suit your brand's style & make it much easier to set up.

If you're looking for much more customization options, then Senja testimonials might help you, but customers come to Famewall for the ease of setting up.

View the widgets showcase over here on Famewall

Famewall Widget Types

Curated Mentions Page

Senja lacks a mentions page which fetches all the mentions of your brand from Twitter & displays it in a single place for you to curate and add them to your wall with just a single click

This reduces the friction of having to manually copy & import every testimonial from Twitter

So this is a feature that reduces friction for you in Famewall as opposed to using Senja for aggregating testimonials

Curated Mentions Page

Reorganize & Group testimonials across your projects

You can reuse existing testimonials on new walls without having to manually create or import another testimonial in a different project which Senja testimonials lack

It gives you the flexibility to transfer collected/imported testimonials without having to manually create another one.

This is especially useful when you want to showcase highlights of multiple projects in a single wall. You can also categorize & group testimonials to understand feedback from testimonials

Reorganize & Group testimonials

Highlight testimonials

An important part of displaying social proof is highlighting the most essential text so that your users can glance through the social proof

This makes customers with a lot of testimonials prefer Famewall over Senja as they have the flexibility to display a lot of testimonials while also making sure that the social proof is solid.

Highlight testimonials

Affordable & Friendlier Pricing

Famewall has different pricing tiers suitable for different customers - be it SaaS startups, content creators, course creators, entrepreneurs, or fitness & lifestyle coaches.

Hence we made the pricing flexible to suit all your needs starting from just $9.99/month using which you can enjoy unlimited text testimonials & collect video testimonials from your customers. Senja's pricing tiers limit you in the number of projects you can create while Famewall has super generous quotas.

Famewall is the all-in-all tool you need to collect, manage, and share social proof in a single place with just a few clicks.

Famewall is a totally free Senja alternative that makes it super easy for your business to collect testimonials and manage social proof all in one place with just a few clicks

Try the product for free by signing up here