5 Real Estate Testimonial Examples - Tips & Techniques in 2024

Goutham Jay
Goutham Jay

Founder - Famewall

Aug 4, 2024

Real estate is a basic human need and the demand for homes & other properties has always risen with time.

But let's not forget, real estate business can get real competitive as there are many realtors out there competing for clients' attention.

That's why it's becoming increasingly important to build your own brand as a Realtor by actively sharing & displaying what your clients think about you.

And what better way to do this than with testimonials? :)

Why would you need Real Estate Testimonials?

You would have already realized how important testimonials are from a real estate perspective. But if you're unaware then let me explain it for you

For you as a Realtor, a client might feel exciting but for a client buyer this could be the first big purchase they ever make in their life. They'd want to be sure that they're getting the best choices while also making sure it falls within their budget

Likewise a client seller would want to get the best deal for their property by selling it for the highest price to a well trusted client

In that regard, as a Realtor it becomes important that you show the past experiences of clients who have worked with you and bought/sold real estate properties

This could either be a simple text testimonial with the picture of the client or a video testimonial where the client walks through the process of how they found you and how you as a Realtor helped them close their dream property

You can then proceed to share the real estate testimonials on your website, social media etc

Let's see 8 Real Estate Testimonial examples which would give you a better idea to make the best out of testimonials

1. King & Associates Real Estate's Written Testimonials

This is the simplest form of testimonial from King & Associates Real Estate which contains a written review about the Real Estate Agent's service

King and Associates Real Estate Testimonials

The testimonials are short and clear with the experience of the client and their name below the content.

While this is a great way to get started with testimonials, the conversion gets better when there is an option to display the client's picture

2. RealCentral VA's Graphic Testimonials

The highlight about RealCentral VA's testimonial is that it is presented along with the picture of the Realtor which builds trust.

The text is also bigger with greater emphasis for the reader to focus on the content of the testimonial

RealCentral VA Testimonials

The results would be more effective if the testimonials also included a picture of the client and a bit about them

3. Tracy McLaughlin's Video Realtor Testimonials

The best part about Tracy McLaughlin's testimonials is that her website showcases video testimonials which is a great tool approach to build trust with clients

This is because it's hard for clients to fake a video testimonial and people can relate to the emotions of the client in the video testimonial

Tracy McLaughlin's Realtor Testimonials

Here Tracy shows social proof by arranging video testimonials one after another which can be played by clients without leaving the website.

This can easily be done in Famewall where you can embed your video testimonials without even having to write a single line of code

4. League Real Estate's Carousel Testimonials

League Real Estate's Testimonials are well presented in a video format showing the customers' happy faces as thumbnails. The icing on the cake is that it's presented in a carousel format

League Real Estate Testimonials

The sliding carousel is easily customizable in Famewall's testimonial widgets which is well suited for this type of testimonial

5. Keaty Real Estate's Grid Testimonials

Keaty Real Estate's testimonials stand out because they use Google Reviews in a grid fashion displayed on their reviews section of the website

Keaty Real Estate Testimonials

This allows the readers to scroll through the website and it would also create a positive impression in the clients' minds when they see a lot of positive praises from other clients like them

Here's an example grid testimonial built using Famewall which displays text & video testimonials together. P.S. It didn't require any coding

Customers' Wall of Love

Tips for Real Estate Agents:

I actually wrote a detailed article on how to collect testimonials from your clients from scratch which might be useful.

But here are the tips when working with Real Estate Clients:

  1. The best time to ask for a testimonial to a customer is when they're most happy with your service. In most of the cases this is immediately after your client buys a property or sells the property using your service. So at that time you can send a testimonial collection page
  2. Ensure that you have obtained consent from clients before displaying the testimonials on your website or using them for marketing
  3. Always make sure that the testimonials are authentic because fake testimonials can destroy your Realtor brand's reputation

You may also want to consider using a video testimonial, as this can help to build trust with potential clients. You can use Famewall to collect text, video testimonials using a link like page.famewall.io/famewall

Here's a detailed guide that walks through how you can collect testimonials from your clients with ease

Try Famewall for free to start collecting text & video testimonials from clients and display them in multiple ways on your website to build trust with real estate clients

Collect testimonials from clients using Famewall