Alternative to

Goutham Jay
Goutham Jay

Founder - Famewall

Jul 12, 2023 is a great tool to collect testimonials from customers. But there are some shortcomings with the tool & a lot of reasons why customers switch from to Famewall

Famewall is a testimonial collection tool that makes it easy to collect testimonials from customers &ย  add beautiful testimonials to your website in just a few clicks

The main reasons we've had customers switch from their existing embeds from testimonial to Famewall are due to the following reasons

1. Fast Embeds

2. Famewall Brand Pages to convert customers

3. Variety of Embed Widgets

4. Friendly and Affordable Pricing

5. Flexible Testimonial Collection Tool

6. Customization Options for Testimonial Embeds

7. Reorganize & group testimonials

8. Curated Mentions from Twitter

9. Social Proof Avatars as Testimonials

10. Support for React Component Embed

The main differences are a result of Famewall being hyper-focused to be the all-in-one social proof tool for entrepreneurs & creators to increase sales for their businesses and grow fast

1. Blazingly fast Embeds to add testimonials with a small bundle size

Testimonial has an extremely large javascript code where the bundle size comes around 1000 kilobytes. This decreases your website's speed affecting your SEO score & giving an unpleasant experience for your users

Whereas in Famewall, the bundle size just comes to less than 1/10th of's size to less than 80 kilobytes. This gives a high-performance score to your landing page

This is quite important as though you'd want testimonials listed on your website, you also need to ensure that they don't slow down your website performance. vs bundle size

2. Famewall Brand Pages

Famewall has Brand Pages where you can list all your portfolio of products & services in a single page together with social media handles.

The best part is that you can add social proof beside your work which convinces customers easily, way before they even visit your website

This is a feature unique to Famewall as the vision of Famewall is to make it easy to collect social proof from customers and put it to work by converting leads and increasing sales

Famewall Brand Pages

3. Variety of embed widgets to choose from

You can choose from multiple widget formats available on Famewall to suit your use case. It can easily be embedded on sign-up pages, landing pages, pricing pages and many more

Famewall Widget Formats

4. Friendly & Affordable Pricing for all

Here is's pricing which has a high cost while also restricting the number of testimonials you can collect in the free plan

Only the premium plan in allows you to have more than 1 wall but the cost is 5x the cost on Famewall where you can publish up to 4 walls in the Standard Plan with unlimited testimonials

With more walls you'd be able to create testimonials for different projects & for different sections like pricing page, landing page etc

Compare this to Famewall's pricing, you can get the best value for money to collect & embed testimonials with a generous free plan & cool features like video testimonials in the paid plans at an affordable price Pricing

5. Flexible Testimonial Collection Tool

With Famewall, you can collect testimonials from your customers with a simple testimonial collection page.

The limitation in is that it allows you to create only one collection page per project

But with Famewall, you can create multiple walls and have a dedicated testimonial collection page for even a single project

You can customize the fields you'd like to ask your customers as you collect testimonials from them

Here's a detailed guide on how you can collect testimonials from customers

Testimonial Collection Tool from Famewall

6. Customization options for testimonial embeds

With you can customize your testimonial wall with a variety of gradient options & dark mode colors. These help you build your brand & garner attention on your landing page thereby driving in more conversions

Here is a sample embed widget from with a variant of yellow background & dark testimonials customization

7. Reorganize & group testimonials

In Famewall, you can organize & group testimonials into categories to understand feedback from testimonials.

This is especially useful when you have a lot of testimonials, and would like to search & apply filters to categories like "compliments", "critical feedback" etc so that you get the maximum value out of testimonials

You can also move your existing testimonials across different projects when you want to reuse a single testimonial across different pages like landing page, pricing page. This would be useful in case you need to use certain testimonials from a specific customer persona across different walls

This is not present in where you can only have testimonials in a single project

Organize Testimonials

8. Curated Mentions from Twitter

Mentions describing your product/service are aggregated in a single dashboard which you can add to your wall with a single click

The best part about this feature is that you just have to make a single click while tweets which can become potential testimonials for your website are automatically added to your wall

Curated Mentions from Twitter

9. Social Proof Avatars as Testimonials

There are more ways to add testimonials on your website with Famewall. You can add tiny social proof which is verifiable in real-time with small avatars of well-known customers in your market with the Avatar playground on Famewall.

Social Proof Avatars

10. Support for React component Embed

Famewall supports React embeds along with HTML embeds out of the box. All you have to do is just install react-famewall from npm & copy these 3 lines of code by just replacing your 'wallUrl'

And voila! You've got the testimonial wall on your website now

import React from 'react'
import FamewallEmbed from 'react-famewall'

const App = () => {


There are multiple advantages of Famewall over which makes it the best alternative in the market to for collecting & managing testimonials all in a single place

Check the Testimonial Comparison page to see a detailed breakdown of the features in Famewall & Testimonial

Switch to the alternative by joining the club of Famewall for real social proof to collect testimonials & manage them in a blink!

You can give our product a shot for FREE at No credit card required! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Famewall - Collect & display testimonials on your website